Hotel Bellevue of Ljubljana

Searching for the place where to stay for a night in Ljubljana? The hotel Bellevue is exactly the place, which you need.

How to reach

This abandoned hotel is located inside the beautiful park, called Tivoli in Ljubljana. Just 5 minutes walk from the centre and old town. You can find it following the way to the sport center. As well as you can easily ask locals about it, everybody is supposed to know where the hotel is located.


The hotel was built in 1909, on the place where previously stood cafe. It used to be a splendid place, the heart of social and cultural life in Ljubljana but since the independence of Slovenia the premises were slowly deteriorating. Now there’s a sign saying ‘you enter on your own risk’ though there were no dangerous places inside.


There were also several fires happening in the hotel. The last one was on 11 May 2014. A great damage was dealt to the hotel: the roof was burnt, as well as some walls, and windows around.


It is quite not easy to come inside: every window and door of the building is blocked. Though periodically there are some people who are putting away plankings. And this is how we found the hole through which we got in.

The building itself is huge – three floors up, and one down. Inside you have nothing, just some pretty graffiti, “blood-steps”, and simply ruins.

On the map
