Yangon Circle Line

We take touristic train around Yangon for three hours that is supposed to introduce to us the life of simple Myanmar people. Instead we mistook the train and find these abandoned trains, only waiting that someone will come and explore them…


Abandoned trains are located in a working train station Insein. Passing by with a train you will see them from your window. Hop off from the train and start your exploration!


Already one hour passed of our journey around Yangon when we finally see something interesting.

-Jacopo, look, there are some abandoned trains over there!

We both look in that direction and then on each other. We are too lazy to go out from train at this hot weather (+40) when train finally stop and all people start to go out from the wagon.

We mistook the train and instead that one around Yangon we took a normal one.

-It’s the destiny of Stalker, let’s go to explore!

Old wagons stay still 10 minutes far from the train station. They look normal from outside and it seems for us that soon they will start moving…but when we look inside we understand that they will never have passengers more.

All chairs are wrapped in cobwebs, dirty toilets and trash everywhere. Not the pleasant place to be.

There are still some signs left inside. They are welcoming tourists and wish them a pleasant journey. Another sign catches our attention, where is written, no cigarettes, no alcohol, and no…kisses. We fastly kiss each other laughing (no one will offend us now) and continue exploring everything.

Some wagons are made in Japan, some in Thailand. Some wagons look new, some are too old.

At one moment we see a man without a leg, who is working here. He is trying to explain us the history of this place in Burmese language but we can’t understand anything.

But our journey should go on! We see our real train coming, that should bring us around the ex-capital if Myanmar. We fastly do our last photos and hurry up towards our new adventures!

On the map

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